Celebrating Style & Transformation Through Boudoir | Inspiring Photography Session
I used to feel guilty about loving fashion and makeup. I thought spending money on those things was superficial and pointless. Even though they brought me joy, I felt like it was wrong that they did. Truthfully, once I was in my late teenage years, I thought if I loved reinventing myself in these ways that it somehow meant I didn’t love myself naturally.
It’s difficult because there are parts of me that feel like I “need” certain items; this negative aspect of the beauty and fashion industry make most women feel this way, like they’re incomplete if they don’t look like or have XYZ. However, while that is important to note, I’ve already spent so much time feeling bad that I indulge in these industries; I’m tired of feeling guilty around this love of mine. Above all, I’ve come to realize that this is not a place of shame for me if it is a place of joy. I want to invite you to join me in exploring, playing, and celebrating style.
I want to invite you to not feel guilty about it if you already do.
As little girls we played dress-up; we felt the joy and inspiration of transforming ourselves very early on. We even set aside time for it.
My sister and I used to prance around the house in tutus, and princess costumes, and the dresses our grandma had sewn for us as Christmas presents. We acted differently in these outfits; we walked differently, we held ourselves differently- we felt different.
We felt powerful.
There’s a home video of my sister trying on our mom’s heels. She’s about 6 or 7 years old and has her hands on her hips as she struts around the hard wood floor in these shoes that are three times too big for her little feet.
There’s another home video where we each are trying on butterfly wings that our mom gifted us. They covered our entire backs - mine were a mesh orange and my sisters were blue. They were beautiful. We hopped and skipped around the living room with our new wings, pretending to fly. Back then, we probably thought we could.
Butterfly wings and tutus are replaced with makeup, jewelry, and our favourite sundresses. But, so often that playing, that joy, that celebration of transformation disappears and goes unnourished. We need to nourish it.
I don’t think we should ever stop playing dress-up. Truthfully, I don’t think we can - we just stop realizing it.
I have a favourite red lip stain (it’s the Sephora brand FYI- highly recommend) and I feel different when I wear it. I imagine I feel like how my sister felt in our mom’s heels.
Style is important because how we feel is important. How we feel is everything.
To think spending money on lingerie that maybe nobody will see is not pointless or a waste. Investing in how you feel is never a waste.
Boudoir photoshoots are my invitation for you to play, to transform, and to celebrate it.
This experience is more than the photos you’ll have of yourself- it’s also about how you feel in the studio. It’s about how you feel with your hair and makeup done while in lingerie that spoke to you, how you feelin' that choker necklace that makes you feel unstoppable, or the heels that make you walk with your chin a little higher.
It’s about how feel after the session, knowing you’re capable of feeling how you felt during it.
I think, maybe, style and these characters we create through them aren’t so much about inventing ourselves, but about uncovering.
Exploring fashion and makeup is not superficial, it is self-exploration, and that, that is something we should never feel guilty for and most definitely never stop celebrating.