Moms Out There, Listen Up! | Intimate Portrait Session | Modern & Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot in Vancouver

It's a strange thing, blogging intimate portrait sessions. I want to show the work (with my clients' permission of course!) but I also am just generally careful about it (for good reason). And yet, I don't want to be cheesy and and call people "Miss D" and the like. I aim to tell a bit about their stories while keeping things generally anonymous and private, though I know anyone who gives me permission to share (and thank you for that!) is okay with it. Why it shouldn't even need to be a secret is a conversation for another day, but anyway.

So let's talk in generals, instead of specifics. 

Let's talk about what it's like for some super devoted moms. I don't have kids, so I honestly have no clue, but I know that some women just give their kids absolutely everything they can; no stone left unturned. Meaning, they never do anything for themselves. Not a hair or nail appointment, not a night out, no extra curricular activities for themselves - just straight up sacrifice. It takes a special type of person to do that. But something's gotta give - you have to - I mean seriously have to, give to yourself sometimes. 

I love to shoot moms like this because I can't think of anyone who could use an intimate portrait session more than a completely self-sacrificing mom. You know it's time for an intimate portrait session when it feels weird to get all indulgent/beautiful/sexy? Seriously, that shit is a birthright for women. GET IT BACK!

This is why I love intimate portraits. When you let yourself have something special, do something for yourself to feel good and indulge, and have these photos forever - it's hella rewarding. I definitely recommend having portraits, intimate or otherwise, done often (or if you're a minimal person, at least every 5 years). One day, you will be see the story of your life also told through the history and changes of your body; you will remember where and who you were at that time, you will see how you've become better and grown, you will feel a sense of accomplishment in your personal life story - it's a tribute to yourself.

Peace, friends. And enjoy the photos.