Vintage-Inspired | Boudoir Photo Session | Vancouver Intimate Portraits
You know what? Boudoir sessions are a bit uncomfortable.
Let me explain - are they empowering? Yes! Do you walk away feeling like, "WOW!" about yourself? Sure do!
But when you show up, you may have a moment where you're nervous, a bit worried, perhaps doubting yourself, etc. And that is so normal. To have mixed feelings, to be slightly unsure, that happens. I mean it happens about 5 times for me every morning while I decide what to wear, so let's get honest about that!
As women, whether aware of it or not, on some level we are taught to dislike and distance ourselves from our own beauty; to pick it apart, be at odds with it, dishonour it, and distrust it. The point of this experience is to allow yourself the opportunity to feel beautiful and experience something you have been conditioned for a lifetime to doubt. And while different cultures will experience this differently and to varying degrees, most women experience this at least a little bit, at some point in their lives. I mean, that's a human-experience!
BUT an intimate portrait session is an empowering experience, partially because you're pushing your boundaries. Because you go into it being unsure - sometimes really unsure, and you walk out being sure; this experience grows you. You know when you conquer a fear, how liberating it is? It's like that. You are literally conquering a fear. You walk out all, "Holy Hannah, I'm goddamned beautiful!"
You don't really grow without pushing yourself, FACT.
And for the love of god, we are beautiful and it can be so liberating to let yourself experience that!
After I did the viewing and ordering session with this client (who so graciously let me share the photos, thank you to all my clients who let me share!) she said, "I love them all!!!"
Later, during an email exchange she told me she felt like Wonder Woman after the session. She walked out feeling like Wonder Woman. It made my flippin' week! That is how you should feel when you walk out of a intimate portrait session. I love these shots - they have a vintage, old-Hollywood vibe to them, and this woman is so sultry and so beautiful and so sexy, she BRINGS IT! Love!
A boudoir photoshoot is an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Not only will you have the experience as a memory, but they are photos that you will have forever. Your portraits are forever.