Feminine Botanicals

Okay, it's not really a boudoir singalong but humour me and pretend it's funny.

Women and nature; like the earth, women are the receptive - the fertile ground for the possibility of creation. The rhythms and cycles. How many of you notice the full moon when it's full? We harmonize with the moon.

I often wonder how we live in our own strength and our feminine? How do the two coexist? We want to tell the story of our femininity and who we truly are, but knowing what this is can be difficult because in our history we don't have very many archetypical role models - and in popular movies and literature they are either depicted as the mother (the martyr/the holy), the innocent girl (the victim/the virgin), or the temptress (the villain/the slut) so yeah, what does femininity really look like underneath all of that fluff? It can feel difficult to exist outside of those categories - what if I am neither of those things? 

And I think men face this similar issue but just in another way, so men reading this, don't think that I've left you out. I haven't. You guys have a whole set of stereotypes and expectations placed on you that are also unfair. But, as I've said in the past, I'm focusing on women these days (but eventually I'll move on to my other interest which is the emotional isolation and loneliness of men). 

I'm interested in exploring the feminine outside of those traditional archetypes. So I looked at where it made the most sense - the earth and nature. I mean it is called mother nature right? And she's not a martyr - she's loving but unrelenting, she supports life and she's balanced, she's strong and she's fragile, she loves all her children equally. I'm speaking in metaphor, of course, but I feel like if I can look at the best metaphor, maybe I can help women tell the story of who they are through images that goes a little bit deeper than just "sexy boudoir photos" and gives a wider, more whole picture of the feminine identity.

I want to help to tell the true story of women.

Peace, all my friends. I hope you are surrounded with love right now.