boudoir pictures journal
Break Tradition! | Unique & Modern Weddings
More than ever in urban areas, we live in a culture where it's possible to construct and create your own reality and environment. That means if our heart desires something perhaps, different, or off-the-beaten-path, or less-traditional, or unique, or authentic, or more a reflection of your individuality and personality, you can make that dream come true.
Dreamin' and Following Roads to Inspiration (and a bit about influences) | Personal Insights | Modern Wedding & Boudoir Photographer Vancouver
I was shooting in the studio space I use for intimate portraits in Gastown early in the week, and there was a stack of enormous (maybe 12x24?) matte black catalogs piled next to the couch on the floor. I'm usually on a mission the mornings of any shoots and don't have the time to stop and look through catalogs, (ha!) but I just really liked the appearance of this particular one
Because, Beautiful Things | Heirloom Copper Glass Box & Prints | Modern & Intimate Wedding Photographer Vancouver
We have some new products at our studio which I keep pulling out and admiring every day since they came in. I feel like this is so closely tied to my philosophy about visual sensory input as language, but I promise you I will post about that another day.
Quivering Little Drops - A Cinemagraph! | Vancouver Fine Art Photographer | Cinemagraph Series
Oh wow - guys I have been seriously buried in work the last few days. I absolutely hate being behind and I will work day and night to catch up...which is what I'm doing right now, and that's why it's 9PM on a Saturday and I'm still working, haha! But I have to post because I can't leave my lonely Blog, and friends, behind! I missed Film Friday yesterday which I feel awful about, so I need to update like, ASAP!