boudoir pictures journal
Sacred Skies | Photography & Graphic Collage | Vancouver Fine Art Photographer
i have been attempting various projects, mixing imagery I've taken of the real world and hand-drawn images and patterns - i dedicated today to doing something just for personal satisfaction and nothing else.
Who Won The Draw??? | Wedding Photography Giveaway | Modern Wedding & Elopement Photographer Vancouver
As we said in our last post, and everyone who entered surely knows, we collected entries for a draw at The OneLove Wedding Show for complimentary photography coverage on your wedding day. This was super exciting for us, and hopefully everyone who entered.
BEFORE you watch the video to see who won, here are the details you need to know in case you win!
Wash It All Away | Vancouver Wedding and Boudoir Photography | The Goodie Bag Wallpaper
"There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself." - Erich Fromm,
The craziness of the past few months has afforded me many pieces of wisdom which I don't think I could have learned any other way but the hard way. Everything in life goes in cycles and, I am feeling the need for some personal growth.