boudoir pictures journal
About the Photographer | Notes on Self-Love | My Philosophy
So we’re past the holidays now, and the days are getting longer but still it’s dark at 5pm, and spring can’t come soon enough. Winters, after the holidays, in Vancouver are always an odd time of year. These days, I’m so busy I can barely notice the weather or how quickly the weeks FLY by…
A Personal Project & Short Story | The Tiny Swimmer Series
Via the work I do there is an alchemical process - a transformation. If I didn't "go there" and if I wasn't willing to "go there" then this work wouldn't exist…
A little bit o' love and much needed update!
Hi all my sweet friends and fans!
Not sure about everyone else, but the change of season hit me this year! I like to be at the will and mercy of the changing seasons - with spring always comes a fresh wave of ideas and a sort of clearing out of old stuff.
Yay! It's Almost Christmas! | Lower Mainland Boudoir Photographer | Lower Mainland Wedding Photographer
I thought I'd pop in here to say hey to everyone, it has been a while and because I'm really shy sometimes I don't post.
So, let me give you a bit of an update...
A personal share moment...
Information travels, information travels faster, and in the age of sharing and social media, this is just part of our daily routine. It's not something we even think about, sharing our information.
Outdoor Portraits | Experiments in Freelensing | Vancouver Portrait Photographer
It was the first really beautiful weekend here in the Vancouver, and it was also a long weekend. When I have the opportunity to operate at a similar pace to the rest of the 9-5 world, I seem to go with that flow.
Aimless in the city | Character profiles | personal photography work
Before you ask yourself, "WTF is this?!" please read the following:
One of my meetings for Friday got rescheduled, and since I can't bear to take a day off, I went out and did some personal work to satisfy my craving for something a bit more...light-hearted and hilarious...